This Fractions bundle will help build important foundations in fractions, decimals and percentages. There is a reason why these areas take up the majority of the marks awarded in the Year 6 SATs and it is because the areas are truly the foundation of making progress in maths and are the key areas to focus on to allow a smoother transition to Year 7.
This resource bundle contains 32 video tutorials and 39 worksheets. Save £15 by purchasing the bundle instead of purchasing separately for £115. This is perfect to help your child master the most important areas of maths and build their confidence going forward into Year 7. Using a private tutor you would pay almost £1000* for the learning material contained here but you get to keep all of this for life and watch, replay, rewind or accelerate as you please for just a tiny fraction of the price! Don’t forget, this doesn’t expire either so you can keep and use it for any other children in your family who are approaching Year 6 in the next few years!
Included in this bundle:
(click the links for a description of each course)
- Year 6 Fractions Course Covers all of the Learning Objectives for fractions in the Year 6 National Curriculum with 6 video tutorials and 9 worksheets (or buy individually)
- Year 6 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Course Covers all of the Learning Objectives for Fraction, decimal and percentages straight for the Year 6 National Curriculum with 5 video tutorials and 7 worksheets (or buy individually)
- Fraction Foundations Covers prior fraction skills from Years 3, 4 & 5 to help fill gaps in understanding from earlier years with 15 video tutorials and 17 worksheets (or buy individually)
- Focus on Fractions Year 6 Revision– A revision aid which covers common types of fraction questions in the Arithmetic Paper with 6 video tutorials and 6 worksheets (or buy individually)
* Based on the standard rate of 32 lessons at £30 each
**Please click on the download link after purchasing. A copy of this will be included in your emailed receipt. Please ensure you use your correct email address when purchasing.
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