
How do I stop Year 6 SATs revision being a battle?

Is SATs revision a battle? Maths is the marmite of education But whether you love it or hate it, helping our children with their maths homework is never as easy as we'd like. Homework can be a battle. Perhaps you don't want to confuse your child with the methods you used yourself at school or don't quite have an understanding of the latest methods being used in their school. Maybe you struggle to find the time to support your child if homework is set on inconsistent days. Perhaps your patience is simply being tested and you don’t want the time…

What are the reasoning papers in the Year 6 SATs?

What are the "reasoning papers" in the Year 6 SATs? The Year 6 maths SATs tests consist of 3 papers: 1 arithmetic and 2 reasoning papers. It is often the reasoning paper where children can get tripped up and many score significantly higher on their arithmetic papers. It is so common to hear that children are doing well in class but it isn’t reflecting in the scores they achieve on the reasoning papers. The reasoning paper is designed to assess a child’s ability in fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. This means that they are able to independently select and apply mathematical…